1. I love this post! It’s so important to remember that even though it may look like it, nobody has it all together all the time! And remembering that your work as a mom is important is so helpful!


    1. Mary Leigh @ Live Well Play Together says:

      Thank you so much, Jennifer! Having it together all the time is not even a real thing; I have to remind myself of that often! <3

  2. Motherhood can be hard but knowing that in advance and be prepared helps so much! Good suggestions and ideas.

    1. Mary Leigh @ Live Well Play Together says:

      I agree! Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words!

  3. A truly inspiring post! Motherhood is hard, but incredibly beautiful. It needs a lot of patience, commitment, and conditioning our emotions the right way. Loved it.

    1. Mary Leigh @ Live Well Play Together says:

      Thank you so much, Hina! I am thankful that you are encouraged!

  4. Laurie M. says:

    I love this post! I’m going to bookmark it so I can read it to remind myself regularly. When us moms have a bad day it’s easy to think everyone else has it together except me.

    1. Mary Leigh @ Live Well Play Together says:

      I completely agree! I need to read it often myself! 😉

  5. A bad day (or week!) does not make you a bad mom.yesssss so hard to feel we’re failing when we’re not perfect.

    1. Mary Leigh @ Live Well Play Together says:

      Yes! I’m so thankful that you enjoyed the post! Hope you have a great week!

  6. I love this! These are some great reminders – it’s easy to forget the importance of what we are doing in our everyday.

  7. I love this! The importance of knowing that our feelings are not our identity is a great reminder!

    1. Mary Leigh @ Live Well Play Together says:

      I find myself reminding myself of this often; that’s for sure!

  8. Motherhood is hard, overwhelming, stressful yet also wonderful! Thanks for sharing ..I wish I read this info when my kids were little!

    1. Mary Leigh @ Live Well Play Together says:

      Thank you so much, Karen!

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